Comprehensive Rules

At the beginning of the game, once all players have kept their opening hands and used the abilities of cards that allow them to take an action with those cards from their opening hands, the active player rolls on Global and puts a copy of the card rolled into the command zone. The abilities of the global function from the command zone and affect the game. The active player may play the global's activated abilities. If a player would roll on Global during the game, first remove the current global from the command zone.

There is a new step that takes place between your upkeep and draw steps called the chaos step. Immediately after a player's chaos step begins, as a turn-based action, that player rolls on one of the Chaos Lists. There are 6 Chaos Lists lettered A through F. The first chaos roll of the game is made on Chaos List A. Subsequent chaos rolls are made on the last Chaos List that was rolled on. The process of rolling on Chaos Lists A through F is called "rolling chaos". The result of a roll is new kind of ability called a chaos ability, and the player who rolled it puts it onto the stack. Refer to the rules for other ability types that can go on the stack (e.g. triggered and activated abilities).

The six Chaos Lists are followed by other supplementary lists. When an ability directs you to roll on a supplementary list, then as part of the resolution of that ability, follow the directions appearing at the beginning of that supplementary list. If an ability directs you to roll multiple times on one or more lists, then make those rolls one at a time, completely resolving each roll before starting the next one.

There is a new zone, called the middle world. Cards in the middle world are placed face up in the centre of the play area. Each player can play a card from the middle world once per turn.

Some rolls cause a player to temporarily leave the game. A player leaving the game temporarily does not have the same effect as does a player leaving the game completely. Instead that player takes no actions while they are gone, and is considered to be outside of each other player's range of influence. (Spells and abilities can't affect or target objects or players outside their controller's range of influence. Creatures can attack only opponents within their controller's range of influence.) The two players next to that player are considered to be next to each other while that player is gone. If a player leaves the game on his turn, the turn continues to completion without an active player.

When a player loses the game, if more than one of that player's opponents are left in the game, that player rolls on Spite.