Treacherous Creature

Roll d20. Put a token copy onto the battlefield.

1Force of NatureForce of Nature
2Lord of the PitLord of the Pit
3Aku DjinnAku Djinn
4Boldwyr HeavyweightsBoldwyr Heavyweights
5Phyrexian NegatorPhyrexian Negator
6Gargantuan GorillaGargantuan Gorilla
7Emberwilde CaliphEmberwilde Caliph
8Primordial OozePrimordial Ooze
9Tempting WurmTempting Wurm
10Xathrid DemonXathrid Demon
11Eater of DaysEater of Days
12Ebon DrakeEbon Drake
13Personal IncarnationPersonal Incarnation
14Rust ElementalRust Elemental
15Soulgorger OrggSoulgorger Orgg
16Abyssal PersecutorAbyssal Persecutor
17Archfiend of the DrossArchfiend of the Dross
18Avaricious DragonAvaricious Dragon
19Goldnight CastigatorGoldnight Castigator
20Demonic HordesDemonic Hordes